Na marwari po safari - pojeďte do Indie!

Před cestou na jezdecké safari do Indie by vás měl každý varovat – pohled přes podmanivě zatočené uši koní plemen marwari a kathiawari na barevný Rádžastán je silně návykový! Prostor mezi ušima připomíná z pohledu jezdce srdce, a asi tak předznamenává, že to vaše bude už po jedné jízdě ztraceno… Nyní máte možnost zúčastnit se dobrodružného výletu i vy! 

V termínu 21. 10. 2019 až 27. 10. 2019 máte možnost zažít tuto ojedinělou cestu na hřbetě marwari nazvanou Castle to Castle!

Jaký je program?

Castle-to-Castle Safari


21.10. Arrival in Udaipur. We collect you from the airport and bring you to Udaipur, City of Lakes and one of the most beautiful towns in India. Transfer to your hotel to relax and freshen up. The rest of the day we invite you for a sightseeing tour of Udaipur or if you prefer you can also relax and enjoy the serenity and amenities of your hotel. Overnight stay at Hotel Boheda Palace, Udaipur.


22.10. After breakfast we will pick you up from your hotel and take you to our farm, around 8 km outside Udaipur. You will meet your horses and guides here and get a first introduction. Then we take you for a Half-day ride through the foothills of the Aravalli Mountains around Udaipur. Your ride will take you past a couple of lakes, through the mountains, sometimes following tracks, sometimes dried river beds. You have the opportunity to get comfortable with your horse and if necessary change mounts. After the ride there will be lunch at the hotel and then we take you by car to Kumbalgarh. Arrival there, at your heritage hotel “The Aodhi” in the early afternoon. Get fresh and then we take you to visit the historic Kumbhalgarh Fort. Enjoy the great views all around and if you like stay there till the fort is illuminated after nightfall. We will then bring you back to your hotel. Overnight stay at “The Aodhi” Kumbhalgarh.


23.10. Descending from the height of Kumbhalgarh Fort down into the valley of Ranakpur you will cross the Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary and have a chance of glimpsing some wildlife such as monkeys, wild boar or antelopes, smaller mammals such as mongoose or rabbits and countless birds such as nightingales, kingfisher, meena, peacocks or jungle fowls. The sanctuary accounts for a great variety of more than 250 different species of birds. The ride leads from the top entrance of the Sanctuary near Kumbhalgarh down right to the foot of the mountain, an ascent of 800 high meters. In the beginning the views over the mountains are amazing then the riders get swallowed up by forest and now the only sounds come from the birds and animals around them. Much of the forest up here is dry deciduous virgin forest and it is home to an astonishing variety of animals big and small. Depending on the season the forest is lush and green or more autumnally golden and yellow. At times the riders will have to cross streams and rivers which flow high after the monsoon or might be completely dry in spring. At lunch time the riders reach as small Jain temple in a serene valley surrounded by mountains with the Kumbhalgarh Fort situated majestically on top. After lunch the riders continue through the lower reaches of the Sanctuary before they finally leave it behind to cross a village and continue their ride through the fields of the Ranakpur valley. Arrival at the Ranakpur Jain Temple is around one hour later. Visit the temple and enjoy the exquisitely carved marble pillars, each one of the 1444 different from the rest. After your visit we will bring you to your hotel, the gorgeous Heritage Hotel King’s Abode just a short drive away from the Jain temple. Overnight stay in the Heritage Hotel “King’s Abode”.


24.10. After breakfast we will collect you from your hotel and you start the ride through the serene Ranakpur valley and further down the way to the Rajasthani Bagar which is the fringe area between the hills and the Thar Desert in the North-West. Today the ride leads over an open plain dotted with small villages and little fields. Occasionally Nilgai Antelopes, India’s largest antelope, can be spotted. You will cross the little town of Sadri which is quite an adventure for riders as well as for the locals with lots to see. On the other side the ride continues over sandy tracks. The terrain on this side of the Aravalli Mountains is now level and soft. Plenty of opportunity for long trots and canters! After lunch the riders reach the peculiar temple of Ketlaji built at the side of one of the many hills rising out of the plain in this area. At the foot of the temple is a small lake and plenty of shops selling food and religious items for the pilgrims coming here. The riders pass directly through here before leaving the village and continuing through a dried up river bed towards Narlai. The safari ends near the village of Narlai, famous for its pretty havelis and fort which has been converted into a Heritage Hotel. Here the riders can ride straight to their hotel Rawla Narlai, an old palace converted into a prime Heritage hotel. The afternoon is free to discover the palace and make use of all the amenities of the property. Overnight stay in Rawla Narlai.


25.10. Today the Aravalli Mountains will be finally left behind and the ride continues in the Rajasthani Bagar, an open and arid plain with sandy ground. Instead of bullocks, the villagers here use camels for their work and you will encounter quite a few all day long. The horses are eager to go fast, feeling the soft ground under their feet and seeing the wide plain before them. Open ground and long sandy village roads invite for long canters and gallops. Arrival in the small town of Jojawar in the afternoon and ride to the hotel Rawla Jojawar. The rest of the day is free to enjoy the hotel or visit the small typical Rajasthani town. Overnight stay in Ralwa Jojawar.


26.10. After breakfast transfer back to Udaipur. The remainder of the say can be used for some additional sightseeing or just relaxing. Overnight stay in Udaipur in Hotel Boheda.


27.10. Program ends after breakfast.


CENA 1900 EUR bez letenky

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